Entrepreneurs / Self-employed workers


  • Handling business start-ups
  • Advising how to capitalise your new company through receiving your unemployment entitlements as a lump sum payment
  • Advising on initial financial support and venture capital
  • Preparing business plans
  • Preparing business start-up documents
  • Preparing feasibility plans
  • Preparing grant applications

Self-employed workers

To establish yourself as a sole trader there are a number of procedures you need to complete:

  • Fiscal procedures and company registration

Where: Spanish Tax Agency, Delegation of Economy and Finance, AEAT
Form: 037 (for individual) or 036 (for juridical person)
Deadline: 30 days before starting the activity

  1. Registration of the Census Declaration and registration for Tax on Economic Activities, IAE *
  • HRM, Human Resource Management procedures

Where: Spanish Department of Work and Pensions, Social Security Regime, TGSS
Form: TA.0521 Registration, cancellation or modification in the Self-employed Special Regime
Deadline: 30 days after the start of the activity

  1. Registration of the entrepreneur in the Special Scheme of the Social Security for Self Employed Workers *
  2. Workers’ affiliation to the Social Security Regime TSGSS, and obtaining the Unique Taxpayer Reference, UTR
  3. Notification of workers affiliation to the Social Security Regime, TGSS
  4. Risk coverage for workplace accidents, or illness
  5. Drawing up employment contracts
  6. Notification of the opening of the work centre
  7. Visitor’s book
  • Local procedures
  1. Activity, installation and works licence and Operating licence
  • Accounting requirements *
  • Significant tax requirements *
  1. Personal Income Tax, IRPF
  2. Income tax withholdings, IRPF
  3. Deductions for rental property
  4. Accounting payments
  5. VAT

* These procedures/requirements apply to all newly-formed business entities. Additional requirements will depend on the nature of the business.

Dels Valls street, 20 – Palafrugell

De les Voltes Avenue, 23 – La Bisbal